Parent Testimonials

Robin Francis
Parent of Angela Rose Robin, Grade 4A
As a UIS student's parent, I am totally satisfied and amazed to see the effortless and unique teaching methods used by Teachers. I am so touched by the fun-filled teaching methods, which do not let our kids lose focus. Teachers are able to establish such a connection with our kids in such a short time that they look forward to her online classes every morning, rejuvenated. Class teacher Ms. Monica knows it exactly when to say what and how to handle every child. She is well versed with the highs, lows of all the kids, and handles them accordingly.
The best part is she pays individual attention to every single child and ensures that every child is matching up to the pace and then she moves ahead to another topic thereby maintaining a balance in the class. Mostly I do not sit in her class unless otherwise for technical issues because I am assured and gratified with the way they handle classes. Apart from academics, I am also amused by the fact that the Class teacher is accessible to all the parents; she is answering all our queries so proactively. She is so approachable and comfortable to even stop herself from helping us.
I am sure all the teachers are doing a lot of hard work and backend research to adapt to this new way of teaching on a day-to-day basis and I must say they are successfully able to establish the connection with children.
Congratulations once again for having some of the most amazing and brilliant teachers on board. All your efforts to train and retain them are appreciable.
Thanks to UIS staff and management for the swift transformation in this pandemic period.
Sathish Kumar
Parent of Ambarish Sathish Kumar, Grade 5E
I am so proud of the way GEMS UIS has implemented Remote Learning and adapted students, teachers to distance learning. I appreciate the creative ways you do for developing learning activities.
Ambarish is getting along with tasks, joining appropriate learning groups, and keeping up to date with assignments. We understand the new normal, challenges on this pandemic time and truly satisfied with the learning activities
I have to give a massive thanks for the 5E Class teacher Nisha Gopinath who leads the learning principles among the 5E students.